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The Great Flood Connection

Throughout history and cultures, there are stories of floods the wiped out humanity to restore balance. Where do these all connect and why were we almost completely wiped out? I will tell of each of them and finish up with what we know for certain. Not everything will be from what we of the EOC know but these stories must be told as they’re written regardless if the information is twisted or not so that we may understand these stories. The first tale that links them all together is within the tablets of Enki. Where the Lord of Storms Enlil has brought the attention of the humans and Nephilim and their wicked ways of destruction. Where he and those of the Anunnaki on Earth agree that upon Nibiru’s next pass by, they will allow the floods created to wipe them out. Enki; Enlil’s brother didn’t want this and gave plans for an Ark to one of his son’s Ziusudra. Ziusudra was to take his family aboard to ride out the storm, along with the DNA of every animal on the planet(some translations relate more to Noah being two of every animal).

The second telling of this same story is within the Epic of Gilgamesh which comes to the point that the main Gods being Anu, Enlil, Ninurta, Ennugi, and Ea decided to flood the earth. Ea(Enki) however has second thoughts on this and ends up telling Utnapishtim about this plan by telling it to the reed hut he lived in. Telling him to break down his house and build a boat that will carry the seed of all living things. The boat he builds is an acre in circumference with six huge decks covered over like the Apsu boats. When the time came the flood waters lasted for seven days and eventually ended up stuck on a mountain after the storms and on that day Utnapishtim released the birds, a dove, a swallow and a raven. All but the raven came back and he knew there was land. A sacrifice was made to the Gods and they were pleased. However it is said that Enlil was not happy with this at all but Ea said to him; “You are the sage of the Gods, warrior, so how, o how, could you fail to consult, and impose the flood? Punish the sinner for his sin, punish the criminal for his crime, but ease off, let work not cease, be patient” Enlil seems to agree with this as He then boards a boat and grasping Utnapishtim's hand, helps him and his wife aboard where they kneel. Standing between Utnapishtim and his wife, he touches their foreheads and blesses them. "Formerly Utnapishtim was a human being, but now he and his wife have become gods like us. Let Utnapishtim reside far away, at the mouth of the rivers.

This Sumerian telling is very much like the story of Noah. Which goes the Lord is angry with the wickedness of man and their doings and decides to send a flood. He tells a righteous man Noah to build a boat and to fill it with two of every animal and to take his family aboard. The storm raged for 40 days and at the end, Noah made landfall on a mountain where he too released three birds until one never came back. He then makes a sacrifice to the Lord which makes him feel relieved and sorry for the flood. He states “I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from youth; neither will I again smite every living thing as I have done.” Promising to never have another flood destroy the Earth as it has.

The next comes out of ancient Iran and is the Zoroastrian Flood. When the world had become overwhelmed by the constant multiplication of its immortal beings, Ahura Mazda, the creator God decided that the earth must be enlarged and a new beginning made. He warned the faithful king Yima that a great flood was coming to cleanse the world and that Yima had to protect himself and two of each species in his castle on top of the highest mountain. The flood came, and the world, except for Yima's castle and its inhabitants, was destroyed. When the flood passed, Yima opened his doors and the world was inhabited again. Yet again a man is saved by the God that brings on this flood.
In Norse mythology is the tale of Ymir. An evil Ice Giant which had given birth men and women from his armpits and to more giants from his legs. Remember giants because it won’t be the first time they appear, I already mentioned the Nephilim in a previous myth. Down the line, Odin Vili and Ve struck down Ymir which flooded almost all of the first humans with the blood.

We have in Ovid’s Metamorphoses where humans have been treating the Gods who have come to walk amongst them with complete disrespect, even trying to murder Jupiter in his sleep. Worried that these filthy people may corrupt other early beings Jupiter decides to punish humanity with a great flood. He gets together with Neptune to rip up the flood waters and chooses no one as he wants a complete restart on humanity. However, two people; Deucalion and Pyrrha end up surviving this, and Jupiter is so impressed that Deucalion and Pyrrha were able to survive the storm that he spares them. They give thanks and prayer onto Jupiter and he then tasks them to repopulate the world…by throwing stones over their shoulders that become other humans…

We then have the Hindu story of Manu involving Vishnu as Matsya whos is the sea incarnation of himself. Manu was the first man and through his kindness towards his fish who grew and grew so much he had to throw him into the sea, pleased him and warned him of a great flood that would destroy mankind. He advised him to build a boat, gathering as many animals as he could to board as well. When the floods came he tied his boat to the fish’s horn to help steer him towards a safe mountaintop. Unfortunately, this left Manu as the only survivor, so he offered a sacrifice to the Gods who gave him a wife and they took on replenishing mankind.

For the Americans side of the world, there are also multiple similar sounding flood stories.
The Incas worshiped the supreme God Viracocha, considered to be the father of the other Gods and creator of the universe. Viracocha became tired with giants that he created in order to populate the earth as they were extremely lazy and aggressive and like the humans from Ovid’s metamorphosis; did not respect them very much. So Viracocha decided to have a flood kill these giants and again chose two people to bring civilization to the rest of the world. In some telling’s this flood not only killed all the giants, but the humans as well. And the couple survived by floating in a box. Viracocha created a new people to live with the survivors.

The Hopi as well have their own story of the flood, but it was in fact the third time the world was destroyed at that point. For becoming distant with their creator God, Sotuknang, the world was already destroyed twice before by fire and by ice and was recreated for those who still lived by his laws of creation. Upon the third time of becoming war driven and corrupt, Sotunknang would guide those who remained righteous and true to the Spider Grandmother, who would cut down giant reeds and sheltered them within the stems with water and food. They remained for a long time as the floods. When the flood was over the Spider woman would let them out and they then sent birds to find land; much like in Noah and the Mesopotamian stories, however none of them came back. The people needed to make boats from the reeds and searched for a long time until they finally came upon a sandy beach. Sotuknang appeared to them and showed them as the last of the Third World sank into the ocean.

The Mayans have their own flood, but this flood came because of the failure of the Gods to create man. They created men fully of wood. They had no emotion and were a failed race who disrespected their creators and abused animals. The rest of the story much sounds like an end of the world ordeal as those who survived the flood were destroyed by monsters, their heads ripped from their bodies and molten rain poured upon them. In the ends the next batch of people were what the Gods were after and are today’s people.
Now the Aztec story again returns to a huge similar standpoint by Noah and the Sumerian stories. The Old One tells a man to abandon his works as the world is about to be destroyed and he instructs him to plant a cedar tree that overnight is grown. The man builds a canoe from it and saves his family. However, the story goes south when the man is instructed not to make fire. He disobeys and he and his family are turned into animals and the Gods create new and better people.

Of course, there are many more flood tales throughout cultures around the world, but these few seem to be the most popular with the most in common.
Now what is fact and what is fiction here? We know the most accurate telling of these stories are the Sumerian ones. As yes, the Gods did agree to have us wiped out, led by Enlil. Having such a violent race continue to grow and spread to the universe, he couldn’t morally accept that. He is the God of justice, peace, and heir to the throne of Anu. And unfortunately, his sense of justice is what led to people viewing him as evil. “He would destroy us.” “He tried to kill us all.” Can you blame him? Look what we’ve evolved into with such war and hate in the world right now. And the story stops there. It’s never told by anyone but the Lord and those who know, that Enlil fought for us after the fact, because Samael wanted us destroyed. The council even allowed him to instill a death cycle where we’d lose our memories. The odds are completely stacked against us but he never gave up. He came back multiple times and even gave his life for us. You can learn more about the full tale here:

But as you can see all of these stories have multiple aspects in common. It would be foolish to deny that these events didn’t occur. The great flood, a disappointed God, the destruction of man. It’s all real and this knowledge is more important now more than ever because the past keeps repeating itself and I don’t think we ever learn. Let's hope we do before it's too late.

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