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Timmy the bad decision maker - A children story

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy could never make up his mind about anything. When his parents asked what they should buy him for his birthday, he always had a long list, but even if they chose something from the list it was always wrong and not what he wanted.  
This ended up in a sad affair which involved a lot of crying, and then his father felt so bad that he went out to buy Timmy a second present. This resulted in Timmy having a room full of toys that he hardly ever played with. 
Timmy was an only child and his parents realized soon enough that they were being played and that Timmy was a little spoiled. They also realized that it was their own fault for allowing it to happen.   
The next year they pledged that the same thing would not happen again.  They came up with the best plan ever! A week before his birthday Timmy was called in to the living room.  
"Timmy, this year we are not going to buy you a present. We will take you to the toy shop so that you can choose your own present.  You need to make sure that whatever we buy is what you really want."
Timmy could not believe his luck and was overly excited. He could go into the toy shop and choose whatever he wanted!
The night before his birthday he could hardly sleep. He was thinking of all the things in the toy shop and he imagined walking out of their with arms full of presents. 
The next morning after breakfast, Timmy and his parents were off to the toy store.  They were halfway there when his mom said: "We just have one quick stop to make, then we will be on our way."
When they stopped in front of the orphanage, Timmy's eyes grew wider. He had no idea what they were doing there, and was even more surprised when his dad opened the boot of the car to reveal boxes full of his toys. 
"Because we are going to buy you a new present now, we have decided to give some of your old toys to the orphanage. There are plenty of children here that would love some of these toys, and they will never have the opportunities that you have. You never play with these toys in any case, so we are sure that you will never miss these."
Timmy couldn't believe that they were going to give away his toys and became very upset. 
" Now, now, don't get upset dear. We are after all going to buy you a new toy later..." his mom said.  
Very reluctantly Timmy helped to carry the boxes inside.  
"Come meet Billy." The lady in the office said. 
"Billy's parents died in a car accident last year, and he's been put up for adoption. I'm sure that you are the same age and you will become great friends."
Billy looked very sad, but when Timmy walked over to Billy and handed him the box of toys, his eyes lit up.  
"Oh wow Timmy, I can't believe that you brought me all these presents! Let's go and pack out the box in my room."
Billy was very grateful, and Timmy realized that he was very fortunate to still have his parents.  Billy and Timmy played for more than an hour, and when it was time for them to leave, Timmy put up his sad face.  He hugged Billy and was sad to leave him behind.  
On the way to the toy store Timmy did not say one word.  He couldn't stop thinking about Billy and when they stopped in front of the toy shop, he did not get out of the car.  
"Come one Timmy we don't have the whole day.  What is wrong with you?"
"Dad, I don't want a present for my birthday.  I would like to choose a new toy for Billy.  Can we please stop at the orphanage on our way home so I can give it to him?"
Timmy's parents were very proud of him, and when they dropped off the toy at the orphanage, they made arrangements for Billy to come and visit them for the weekend. 
Eventually Timmy and Billy became best friends, and Billy spent every single weekend with them. 
The next year just before Timmy's birthday, his parents told him that they had a special surprise planned for him. He was very excited and couldn't wait once again. 
He told Billy about the surprise that weekend when he came to visit, and Billy also seemed very excited. 
On the morning of his birthday, Timmy couldn't wait for his surprise, and he didn't wait long.  After breakfast, the doorbell rang, and his parents told him that it must be his birthday present that was delivered. Timmy ran to the front door and couldn't believe his eyes.  
Right in front of him stood Billy with his suitcase.  Accompanied by the lady from the orphanage.  
"Come meet Billy, your new brother." 

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