A Touching Story Of A Faithful Dog

I was born twenty years ago in a family of teachers, and Turner. My parents, still young and inexperienced, came to the farm, which subsequently began to live. And my mom got pregnant with me. I was born in one of maternity hospitals in nearby cities. And when they brought me a new brick house, with me and brought a little German shepherd puppy. As time went on, we Count (as he was called) grew, and he grew up in a huge dog with a very kind soul. Of course, he performed with zeal the duties of a watchdog, but if we were released... He was very fond of children, do not touch cats, especially kittens, and we, his family, simply adored. And we couldn't get enough of him.
But, unfortunately, as I said, as time went on, and if I was growing up, the Count was getting old. At my age of twelve, he could barely walk, began to go blind, deaf. It was hard for me to see it. And soon his hind legs refused. I couldn't see him suffering. But never would've left him.
And somehow, my father went to grandma and grandpa. I stayed there for three days. And when we got back, we realized that the Graph did not. I didn't cry, I just couldn't believe it. So strong and handsome Count... and it is not. I didn't believe. I am the mother and father buried him. Mom cried a lot, because he was like a second son, and the father then got very drunk. And I just don't believe it.
And on the third day was THE SAME THING! I went outside of the house. I missed my dog barking. I just raised my head and saw sitting on the roof... of a dove! No, I know, it sounds crazy. Well, the pigeon and the dove. But he was absolutely white, and such in our area is not usual for sure. I didn't know what it is, but when my mom saw it, she was all brightened up and said that this Count gives us the news that he's well and THERE he died. And from these words I felt so warm inside.
This pigeon stayed with us, arriving and departing seven days. I'm not lying and not joking. And then he's gone.But I'm not upset. I knew now with my faithful dog, all is well.
Many will say that it's just a coincidence and laugh. It is their opinion. My own opinion is that if you genuinely miss someone who is no longer there in this world, he will give you that all is well with him. And it will give you strength to live on with peace in my soul.
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