Laraba Episode 41

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“All I need you to do is to find whoever Ryan Jericho is for me.” Rominick
barked on phone.“Exactly what I’m trying to do sir.” Xavier replied. Though his voice was
still hoax, it was however laced with terror. Rominick had a way of
clogging fear into his puppet even on phone.
“Then do this right. So tell me what have you got?” Rominick still
managed to query after his menace.
Xavier explained how he had gotten the location of their mysterious text-
sender, and also how he had kept him on stag for the past days.
Meshach being a vampire, always stayed indoor throughout the day and
only went out whenever the sun shrunk into night to feed. Meshach was a
type that enjoyed feeding on animals; he would grumble that animal’s
blood tasted sour and always lacked the basic nutrients for healthy growth
of vampires. And moreover, feeding on the weaklings Larabas; especially
the males, was another way of getting subtle reprisal from them and
sapped out strength from them until the fate took the course and the battle
between them began.
After Xavier finished updating his boss about all the measures he had
taken on his sides to get Meshach, who of course would lead them to
where whoever Ryan Jericho was, Rominick had mumbled something
churlishly. That was still getting him unsettled, so he took a swig from the cigarette and puffed the smoke in the air. He watched the smoke trolled in
a ring shape across his face till it faded away—that gave him an exciting
sight. Cigarette was one way Xavier mastered to keep check his edginess.
Sometimes, he convoyed it with a bottle of whisky or any strong alcohol.
But right now, all he needed was a deep puff of ‘white london’ to calm his
ranging neurons.
“Happy enjoyment dude.” A gruff voice interrupted his pleasure. Xavier
hauled a disconcerted stare on his worst nightmare. Meshach.
He shrugged freely and passed a stick of cigarette to him. “Care to join
me?” he said, feigning intense calmness.
Meshach responded with a huge scowl, taking an undaunted strides
towards him. “You’ve been stalking me for days, who are you?” He asked,
intentionally wavering aside Xavier’s offer.
Xavier put his hands up in fake surrender. “Hey dude, I don’t know what
you are talking about.” He said almost in a murmur.
Meshach grinned seeing this frolics. “You are not scared, don’t pretend to
be. I can listen to heartbeats, and I’m listen to yours right now” He said
and morphed his grin to a scowl.
Xavier hearing that, sighed briefly. “Okay, now know. I’m not scared of
you.” He tittered and removed another stick of cigarette from the packs,
ignited it and slipped into his mouth. He took a long swill. “So what are you going to do, Meshach?” he queried, and released the smoke, circling
around Meshach’s face.
Meshach coughed slightly. “I’m going to compel you now.” He said amidst
the cough. Xavier’s face frizzled with fright.
Meshach intensified his glare. “Now, you will give me honest reply to
everything I’m going to ask you.” He compelled.
“I will give you honest reply to everything you are going to ask me.”
Xavier reiterated, sobbing the compulsion.
“Now tell me, for how long have you been stalking me?”
“Two days?”
Meshach frowned. “Who sent you? Who are you working for?”
“Rominick Nell”
“Who is he?”
“Let me just say someone who want retribution.”
Meshach frowned more. A frown within frown, it was turning him to a
fugly imp. “Retribution?” he asked. “Retribution against who?”
“Against all supernatural and everyone living in Locksley town.”
Now Meshach scoffed. “For who?”
Story Continues….
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