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Thinking Out Loud

All is well...
The best part - you feel like a woman. Soft, weak, quiet, in its own stand and is correct only in its own coordinate system. My inner sea is calm, when I'm not satisfied with underwater currents, fall not strict waves bydlovaty fishermen who dared not to understand my true beauty and purpose, not trying to be powerful, strong, and ultimately banal. Only. You know, every time I go against his wishes, going against my nature, I'm returned to the form of disease and neurosis. Imperfection and imperfection is not something you need to work. This is what you need to love and cherish.
When I calm down and cuddle on the lap of her man, the magic begins. Magic. There will be no more war, no reason to prove something to the world, no desire to fight for justice, because everything inside. Inside of me.
No conventional boundaries and societal framework, where maturation refers to the ability to shove your opinion deep in your ass and jamming his own emotions, views and attitudes.
And now I really want to be calm and loving woman. My strength is in weakness and softness. This inner wisdom is able to move mountains of any complexes. But most importantly - not afraid anymore. Nothing to fear. Today I realized that everything just be fine. I give myself the green light to move forward, not look back, to live, not to pretend.
How to breathe easy with this understanding! And of course, it can be fleeting, seconds, shamelessly short. Maybe tomorrow I'll be caught in the arms of a terrible depression, from where you have to crawl for weeks, but not too scary. Not to worry, because do not want to be afraid of.
It's all good.

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