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Life is SERVICE, SERVE well 2

Every service has a reward. God never fails man only men fail God. Instead of putting our service to God, we end up devoting our lives to the devil. Service simply means to meet the need of other people. Virtually everyone who becomes a destiny achiever were once helpers (servants). To be successful you must be ready to serve, you must live yourself for others. You must be ready to put in your best at all times, because your service to your master will be rendered to you when you eventually become a master. You must spend and be spent by others. When you live your life for others in God’s purpose, you expand your coast. Service is the key to promotion. Matthew 25: 14-30 gives us a clear picture of service. Immediately the servants received ‘their’ talent, they sprang into action (all of them). The one that went to bury his talent performed his service too. To him not having more than one talent was a mockery on his personality. He esteemed physical disposition/personality more than his original capability. Since the talent was shared according to their ‘capabilities’, the one-talented man, buried his only source of a better and prosperous living, by disdaining his only opportunity. To me, the one-talented man has every capability like the others to improve on his talents. The others doubled their talents, what if he had the anointing to triple his talent or maybe to break investment record? We can never know. Services not rendered cannot be quantified positively in result but the negative effect can be seen. 
Stay Tuned!
Much Love!

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