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The Turtles set Out to Save the CareBears! Will they finally make it on time or get side tracked again?

The instructions for saving the care bears were clear from the sorcerers.
Head north to Valmorlar where the Care Bears are being held captive in underground ice caverns by Professor Cold Heart. Be careful, as he has enlisted the help of No Heart and Icer to ward off the heroes. Help the Care Bears return home and unfreeze the Evergreen Forest before the ice encroaches upon Castle Greyskull.
They thought they had made haste back to Gorthlindir and hoped to meet up with some other teams, but as they got there they saw the girl power team crammed into some sort of strange flying machine
“Why are we running everything like chumps?” Asked Raph
“I thought we were going to have some cool robot transformer with us but I haven’t seen @edthecanadian yet,” Reminded Leo
“yeah and @silvernova with his cybersteed got left behind as well” said Raph.
“Well let’s see who we can find here in Gorthlindir, we can’t keep walking everywhere, and I really wanted to see a transformer on this quest. Know any other grease monkeys?” asked Leo.
“As a matter of fact @ejr (eli from pheli mint) just joined steemit and he’s crazy about cars, lets see if we can find him” Said Raph.
The turtles went looking around Gorthlindir, but where would @ejr be.
Then they found it! The mecha of ‘hot hatches’ and ‘rice rockets’ A drive in theater showing The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.
Sure enough @ejr was there, enjoying another ‘black sheep’ film from a great movie franchise.
“Dude here’s your chance to be a car instead or just working on them, we need help on our #MOTU quest.” Raph asked Eli.
“Let’s roll” Said Eli.
“Shit man, your already talking like a transformer”
With that they summoned the sorceress for an insta portal and @ejrhopped right in.
Surprisingly he just came right out the other side of the portal, but sure enough he was a transformer.
He was polished blue and red and towering over the turtles.
“What, Optimus Prime! That’s bogus man, he’s a damn transport, that’s not cool” Complained Eli.
“Works for us, we just needed some wheels” Replied the turtles.
“Well I got some of those at least, let’s Roll Out!”
With that Eli turned into his transport from and they quickly headed north.
They made great time as Optimus was quite quick.
When they got to the frozen land they encountered No Heart trapped in the net, He was shivering and cold.
He told the turtles of the shameful quick defeat at the hands of a bunch of girls, and after the turtles quick giggling they agreed to release him from the net in agreement he would not cause any more trouble.
No Heart told them the girls had continued north not minutes ago and the turtles boarded optimus to try to catch up.
Just then they saw a battle up ahead.
It seemed that someone got a small tear in their fancy boots and the whole group of girls went wild.

Not this wild!

More like this Wild!

They quickly hacked up poor Icer, then continued to shoot fire arrows into his defeated corpse.
One of the girls had fallen and was turned to ice after the battle.
Instead of instantly tending to their fallen comrade the girls turned their attention to repairing the torn boots.
“Man these girls are a bit obsessed" thought the turtles.
They continued to watch from afar as the girl finally tended to their fallen friend.
They girls then proceeded into ice cavern and the turtles followed slowly behind.
Optimus waited outside with his thoughts.
Just as they were entering into a large chamber in the center of the icy cave, that crazy purple pajama guy dropped in from the roof, he was guns a blazing and throwing what looked to be some sort of bugs he seemed to have set on fire.
This was quite the sight as the flaming bugs melted the icers and extinguished themselves only to still be alive after the attack and settle onto No Hearts throne.
Professor Cold Heart who the girls had spied up ahead in the cave had also seen this commotion in time and slipped away through a secret passage in the chamber.
The girls watched this with extreme caution and did not enter the cave, nor did the turtles who were also just behind.
Mr Purple Pyjama laughed to himself and made a comments that No Heart would now enjoy Velma’s itch.
With this Raph adjusted himself slightly.
More of pyjama man’s friends descended from the cave and they proceeded to rescue the care bears.
It appears the Turtles were once again too slow to be part of the rescue and decided next time they would do their side missions <b<after the main mission.
But with their new found time they headed back to Windermere for a little more relaxation

To be Continued.....

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