The Future of Sex
About 2 months ago I wrote about how sex might be overrated. That particular post received plenty of criticism in regards to how one cannot replace the "real thing" and how some things simply cannot be "emulated" through technology.
In other words there is still some kind of romanticism in the scene of sex. This exists partly because we overestimate our value as humans. We believe that our brains are some kind of extraordinary machines, unique in the own way. This can be easily falsified with a simple look around the world. We are neither special or extraordinary. We are the same eating, shitting, fucking machines as much as any other animal. The only difference is that we have an overblown processing machine called the brain that adds extra steps to the whole thing.
We don't shit on the ground. We build toilets to shit in them. We don't eat raw food but we process, cook and manipulate it. We don't just jump and fuck anyone we like. We have to go through rituals in order to get the other person to mate with us. We think that's what makes us special. The extra steps. Animals also go through these processes whether it is bees processing honey or lions fighting in order to get the attention of the female. We might be fooling ourselves that we are "higher" beings when it comes to sex but the vast majority of our species gets horny with the same exact attributes as a horny dog. We are just bit different.
Brain MRI's have revealed to us that we can stimulate specific areas of the brain with a computer chip. Just like that concepts about soul, love, "deeper stuff" evaporates in thin air. Concepts like free-will go to trash. Our brains works with on/off switches then the triggers are not at all our choice but rather environmental. Our consciousness is merely the middle man.
Ofcourse we can debate all these things with endless philosophical jargon crap that will brings us nowhere. What ultimate proves a point is the application and how the future will unfold. What matters in the end is facts. Actions, not words. And behold, this is what happened recently in Austria.
Add to the whole sex and love thing virtual reality, body modifications and the like and you kiss goodbye philosophy, religion and romanticism. What is a human other than an elaborate "switch" machine ready to be programmed, controlled and manipulated. We used to argue that we had free-will and that we could stand against brainwashing from television, politicians or even evil boyfriends. Anthropologists would argue the impact of culture and early childhood but all these still did not create any scientific laws about human behaviour. We still don't have any solid ones.

As the human technology progresses we will discover laws about human behaviour that will constitute our behaviour as mechanical and fixed as the process of photosynthesis. We barely began to discover our "switches" in our body/machine and we are as scared to confront them as was Queen Elizabeth when she came across a monkey (facing for the first time part of her origins).
Most of the things we consider as "values" are nothing more than random stimuli that change as fast as we change underwear. If something becomes a meme then we call it an "Ethic" and we just stick to it due to tradition. Our reality is nothing more that a facade of mirages that we have created in order to be able to go on. Sexual desire is just another meme that happened to have a stronghold due to the instinctual mechanism of propagation.
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