McDonald's and the pigs.

McDonald's wanted to reposition itself in China and introduce a new name for the products. However, there was a misunderstanding. As it turned out, the company wanted to take the name from the logo and call it "Golden Bows".
McDonalds's recalled the name "Jin Gong Men" and forgot that the Chinese interpret it like pigs sniffing for food in the mud.
The Group immediately tried to make up for this mistake. Thus, the name is only to be used in official business transactions and no longer as a name for their restaurants.
It's amazing how a global corporation can make such mistakes in such trivial matters. Apparently, no one is safe from mistakes. The main thing is that the food tastes good, the Chinese will forgive it. It is not the first and last time that companies make mistakes with the naming.
No one is perfect but you have to admit that you're wrong.

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