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Education is a receptacle for changes to human. To change a person is related to age. Education should be introduced since a baby in womb until children have not enters elementary school. Philosophically Aceh "meunan u meunan meunyeuk, my meunan meunan aneuk". from the sentence can be understood that children will follow prioritising adults.
This has become a proverb for people of Aceh in everyday life. So the first teacher for every child is the parents. Children will follow how behavior of adults especially mother, father and small community that is in house that is referred to as a informal education. Children under five are children that are active and very imaginative and have want to know high. But in general education was introduced at age of entering primary schools. At time of infants are a children have a degree of intelligence that development is very fast.

Introducing science to toddler

Toddler is very easy to receive knowledge with method of experiment. Children have creativity in understanding lessons directly. It can be referred to as golden age. At time of this is a good opportunity to introduce concept of science lessons that are simple in children. For example about a water absorption of object.

Approach method of science experiment to toddler

The water is absorbed by surface of paper. [ source ]
The experiment about object absorption of water. To toddler for experiment are not dangerous and easily obtained. Because childrens have the interest in something new. Moreover object to experiment is often seen by toddler. Then the children are very happy with the real experiment method, and easily understood what has been seen with eye.
The character of the paper when dipped into the water easily moist. [ source ]
From those description above can be understood that adult activity which aims to develop skills, to develop soul curiosity of children and to understand the concept of science as a process experiment water absorption.
For example: water seeping on an object. Science experiment method approach on infants. In addition it is very easy to be understood and objects also is not difficult to do and found.
A teacher or agent of change must understand steps of activities:
  1. A teacher must control how Character of toddler.
  2. Questioning type of or any object that become experiment
  3. Prove with testing
  4. Prepare tool for experiment
  5. Set the tool to experiment
  6. Take a little water to wash or marinade the appliance experiments
  7. Commanding toddler for doing experiment
  8. Show result of the experiment
  9. intruction to toddler about experiment
  10. Then deduce the result from object of experiment

The result of the experiment

paper if exposed to water will be wet and soft


from all explanation above, it can be concluded that activity of science can be done for children under age of five is by doing an experiment about object absorption of water. Where the result is sheet of paper can absorb water.

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