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Cashaa Welcomes Central Bankers, MIT Scientists and Fortune Top 500 Leaders for its CAS Token Sale

The next generation banking platform has brought on board a number of talented and accomplished individuals. Their latest addition is known as the ‘Architect of the Euro’ and has extensive experience with alternative currency models.
Cashaa, the blockchain-based financial services initiative, has announced that a number of new high-profile Advisors will be joining its team. One of the most recent is Dr Bernard Lietaer – the author of a number of widely-acclaimed books including The Future of Money; Money and Sustainability; and New Money for a New World – who has been at the forefront of the field of money in numerous capacities for almost 40 years. In the course of his career he has served as a central banker, fund manager, academic and consultant. He was instrumental in the formation of the Euro thanks to his work in designing the convergence mechanism (ECU) while he worked at the Central Bank of Belgium, and in 1992 was named ‘World’s top currency trader’ by Business Week.

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