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AnimaLPHABET - Cheetah

Hey guys!
Sorry about not being able to post for the past 2 days, it was because I was so busy at work and we recently had our halloween party which burned me out. Don't worry though I will try to post daily again :) So with that, let's get on with Day #3.
Today we feature the Cheetah(Acinonyx Jubatus), The FASTEST LAND ANIMAL on the planet! I absolutely love cheetahs, even though i'm not really a cat person, but mainly because of how badass these guys are. Like how their bodies are built for speed, long legs for distance coverage, elongated spine, long tail for balance and sharp claws for traction when running. That's just awesome! :D
The Life Cycle
So a cute little cheetah cub is first in a cheetah's life cycle. When born, cubs are approximately 150 to 300 grams and unlike other cats they are born with their black spots which some scientist say help them not get blinded by the sun when running, Just another awesome thing to add to this already awesome animal right?!
Cheetah Cub
At eighteen months old the mother leaves the cubs, and the cubs form a group of their own. Female cheetahs are like the Brazilian Treehoppers in which they are solitary creatures only meeting up to mate and raise their young. At two years old the female cubs leave the group and all that is left are the males which stay together for life.
The Diet
Being carnivorous Cheetahs have a heavy meat diet which consist of the following animals:
Cheetah Run
  1. Hare
  2. Gazelle
  3. Zebra
  4. Wildebeest
The Home

Most Cheetahs are located in Africa on open fields where they can stalk and chase prey to their death. They used to have a vast population but due to the increasing Human settlements, the population of Cheetahs decrease more and more each year, so much that there are only about 12,000~ of them left.
The Facts
  1. A cheetah can run up to 112 km/hr in just three seconds, that's right THREE!!
  2. Cheetahs hunt in the day to avoid competition.
  3. At such high speeds a chase between a cheetah and a predator can last less than a minute and can cover only 300 meters.
  4. Cheetahs have 2000-3000 spots on their body to help with camouflage.
  5. Cheetahs get so hot after running that they have to cool down before they can eat. Yikes!
  6. Cheetahs help balance when running, basically acts like a rudder on a boat.
Disclaimer: The facts about the creature featured were not my original works but rather a compilation and simplification of said facts from different articles read on the internet. Cited below are the sources that I used.
Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4 | Image 5 | Image 6 | Image 7 | Gif | Facts 1 | Facts 2

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