We Judge the Fallen Angels

We Judge the Fallen Angels
1 Corinthians 6:2-3 NASB
“Do you not know that the saints (the Lord’s people) will judge the world? If the world is judged by you, are you incompetent or unworthy to constitute (to make up or form something) the smallest law courts (to judge trivial cases or small matters)? Do you not know that we will judge angels (Satan and demons)? How much more things that pertain to or matters of this life?”
“Do you not know that the saints (the Lord’s people) will judge the world? If the world is judged by you, are you incompetent or unworthy to constitute (to make up or form something) the smallest law courts (to judge trivial cases or small matters)? Do you not know that we will judge angels (Satan and demons)? How much more things that pertain to or matters of this life?”
Many perceive (sense) that we are here to be born, go to college, get a job, have a family, take a vacation and die. Our purpose here on earth is beyond what we can imagine. However, our Father who is in heaven is eternal, infinite and forever. Remember, how God created the heaven and the earth, and how God our Father thinks it, Jesus says it and the Holy Spirit manifest the words of Jesus into the visible world. The three are one. Also, to remind us, we must be holy (one) for He is Holy (One). Now, our focus is how much authority and power we have here on earth because many do not understand we judge fallen angels here on earth.
God is faithful and true to His words. His words or laws cannot be violated or broken because God is Holy. He will always protect His integrity. When a king speaks, it becomes law and He will never go against it. Our legal authority here on earth according to Genesis 1:26 was pronounced and became a law that man (spirit being) will have dominion (rule or govern) or kingdom (kings (us) in his/her domain) here on earth. Let me explain. Our body (humus means dirt) and our prayer (petition) are very important. Please remember this, as I continue.
Many believe we are the fallen angels or we are all angels. No! Angels do not have any gender and they are not a woman. We are a spirit being in a dirt body. We don’t have a spirit, we are spirits (sons and daughters of God), according to Genesis. The man’s (spirit being) mandate or decree (command) here on earth is to let them (us) have dominion, it did not say, let God. It is given to us like Christ (100% God) Jesus (100% man) was given to the world. We are called the body of Christ Jesus because the body (dirt) makes it legal for Jesus and the man to function here on earth. Our Father God is Spirit and He does not have a body. When God decreed that the only legal entity or being to function on earth is man (spirit being) with a body (humus is dirt), He could not violate His words, so He made a promise to Satan, according to Genesis 3:15. In Isaiah 9:6, unto us a child (Jesus body, the son of man) is born and unto us a Son (Christ, the son of God) is given.
The incarnation or embodiment of Jesus body was important. God will not do anything here on earth without you because you have the body. He heals us for His namesake, so we can do His will or purpose, to cast out and judge the angels (demons) that possess a body like what Satan did to the snake in Genesis. Satan and his demons are illegal because they do not have a body, and they have to possess one. Satan used the snake with legs because it was the craftiest of all animals, and the Lord cursed the snake to crawl on its belly. The scientist is bewildered and they attempted to explain why the snakes have ingrown legs (ultra tiny .8”/no foot or toe bones) in their back limbs, only (seeker.com).
Therefore, we have the authority (ability to use power) and the power (force) to give God, earthly license to function here on earth because we have a body. Our prayers (petition) communicate with God, what needs to be done here on earth. The number one responsibility of an ambassador is to pray. When we read throughout the Bible, God always used man like Abraham, Moses, the Judges and so on. Abraham said yes to send fire down after he got his nephew Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s important to align with God’s words or laws/principles/keys. You are dynamic and powerful through the Holy Spirit! We are a legal being, which gives us all authorities and powers on earth. Unless we (spirit being with a body) passed away, then we are also illegal. Our spirit goes back to God and our body returns to dust or dirt. We must have a body to function on earth. Praise and Worship your Father in heaven! He’s faithful forever! We were given to the world, as sons and daughters of God! The born again experience into royalty of the kingdom of God, adopted us into God’s bosom or heart. Now, you know why with all our foolishness, God tolerates us. He cannot leave Himself alone, you were created in His image. God loves you so much! Give Him back the love that He longs for, and that is souls (people). Long live the king (Jesus)!
Reminder: Adam fell from dominion or kingdom. He lost the kingdom of God to Satan. Satan is the one that fell from heaven. We will always be a heavenly being. We lost the kingdom and Jesus gave it back to us. Praise God!
Picture from pinterest.com
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