We are Manipulated by "Weapons of Mass Distraction"
Have you been paying close attention?
Let me pose a few questions, and answer honestly. Have you been distracted by life, the ridiculous politics and bad news in the media, TV shows or movies? If you have then you likely have not been paying close attention over the past several years. Today, I watched a Youtube video from Jacob Israel who reminded even myself of a deep connection that I had since forgotten about...

Not only that, but since I am a Priestess in the Ecclesiastical Branch of the Knights Templar, I've been privy to ancient knowledge and new intelligence as the characters have been predestined, the stage has been propped, and the show has already declared "action!" Sadly, not many are watching the center stage. This is because they are too busy within their mindless distractions from the media which is fueling violence and hate, and/or with their narcissistic realm of self; the ME, MYSELF, and I, FIRST! This sadly is all revolving around meaningless materialism, designed psychology and power-hungry leaders that creates empty broken hearts, hatred filled with darkness, and an overflowing cup of debt. Great world we live in, right?


Oh right, my main point here...Let's look at a few interesting facts. From this article we find an interesting correlation:
In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank:It is not a coincidence that these country, which are listed above were and are still being under attack by the western media, since one of the main reasons these countries have been under attack in the first place is because they do not have a Rothschild owned Central Bank yet.
- Afghanistan
- Iraq
- Sudan
- Libya
- Cuba
- North Korea
- Iran
Of course, there are a plethora of conspiracies about why, how, etc, but the fact of the matter is do you see a correlation yet?

"But wait" you might say, "that doesn't cover since 2000!" Well, let's have a comparison between the Former President Obama and Bush:

Now there are only 3 countries not in the IMF's control, italicised for your convenience. Now connect the dots...in the media there is this huge push to go to war with which countries?
Ding, Ding, Ding you are correct!! Does that not sound the alarm for a red flag? Recall President Trump recently had some ominous words spoken.

A recent Executive Order signed by the President has been flooding the internet. The Air Force claims they are not going to "currently intend to recall retired pilots" as The Hill reported, although the article went on to say:
The comments come after Trump signed an executive order that would allow the Air Force to call upon 1,000 retired airmen to return to active duty amid a nationwide shortage of military combat pilots.
The White House announced that Trump would use powers under the National Emergencies Act, signed in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, to subject the secretaries of the Army, Navy and Air Force to the direction of the secretary of Defense on the matter.
Pentagon spokesman Navy Cmdr. Gary Ross said in a statement to CNBC that Defense Secretary James Mattis now has the power to recall up to 1,000 retired military pilots into service to address the shortage, a responsibility Ross said Mattis will likely delegate to the secretary of the Air Force.
The all the warning signs of war are there. At least by now, this all should be enough to make you wonder that it might be a little deeper than just "oil" or "terrorist acts with WMD"? Perhaps the conspiracy isn't so conspiracy and these are just excuses and a facade. There have been countless whistleblowers exposing the corruption and making the conspiracy a reality. You can see the countries controlled by the IMF at their website here. Also, check out the Youtube video I discussed in the beginning of this for other great correlations:
For brevity's sake, I will not elaborate more and I will leave this sliver of information for you all to contemplate and research yourselves. Set the phone down each day and start looking past all of the puppets dancing on the stage and search for truth. The truth will set you free, and it's dangling right in front of you so long as you know how to differentiate and not be distracted by fallacies. I am not attempting to judge or point fingers here, but the reality is that the world has created and made it very easy for us to grow only physically on this plane, and not spiritually higher. The majority of humanity is continually spiritually stunted and we allow it on a daily basis. Why? - It's easier, but is it worth it?
Well, today I'd like to remind you of a small facet that may remind you to stay alert and wake from your slumber. We know and can see that the world is spiraling into a deep dark abyss and with the leadership of the current world's system we are doomed. Thankfully from an ecumenical perspective, we know there will be a righteous ruler that will take over the current power and restore peace and love to this dark dystopian. So there is hope, but do you think these current power and money hungry governments power will give it up so easily? - I think not...so the coming of Moshiach/Christ/Isa will not be a fairy tale of wonderous enchantments we all have naively fabricated in our minds from religious interpretation.
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