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The Lizard Cave - My today's 5 Minute Free-write

I don't know anything about the lizard cave, but I've heard some rumors about it.
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Once upon a time a famous captain at that time known for sailing the distant seas and oceans, arrived in Scotland. He was a bit surprised as almost all inhabitants were redheaded, men wore skirts, and the horses had a horn on its foreheads, but he liked the land very much, and one day he said in some local inn he would for sure come back again one day.
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That news arrived into the castle, and the nobleman invites the captain to visit him before he would sail away again. When the captain came to the castle, the nobleman said he would like to make a special order.
He showed the captain the ditch that was going around the castle walls and said he heard of some dangerous animals that exist in some distant country he would like to have in that ditch that could help him defend his castle even better. The nobleman described the captain how he heard those animals look like and told him he would reward him generously if he can bring him several of those next time when he comes to Scotland.
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Several years later when the captain with his fleet returned he brought a dozen of crocodiles to the nobleman who ordered it. The nobleman was delighted, and he rewarded the captain (maybe not as much as captain expected, but still). However, the news about those creatures spread around fast and other noblemen wanted the captain to bring the crocodiles for them too.
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Captain sailed away again. Almost ten full years past before the captain returned to Scotland again. He brought the crocodiles for other noblemen, but they refuse to take it, without the explanation. Captain was shocked. What is going to do now with all those crocodiles? He went to visit the nobleman to whom he brought the crocodiles first thinking maybe he would like to take few more.
The first nobleman was furious and hardly accepted his visit. When the captain entered the castle, he saw lots of small green creatures with a long tail running around. The nobleman saw what he was looking at and screamed at him: "You see what you have done to me?!"
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"How come?" - The captain asked, shocked.
"Well, my people and I were feeding them as you told me to, but they were getting smaller and smaller." - The nobleman replied.

The rumor I heard said that from that point in history onward, those ancient crocodiles that became lizards are hiding somewhere along the Scotland shore in lizard caves, afraid if Scots keep feeding them they might become almost invisibly small.
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I have to admit that this free writing was longer than just 5 minutes but the story just flew out of me and I had to let it go. ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜Š

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