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Report says North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans

A few years ago they could barely hit South Korea now they can supposedly hit the USA with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack that wipes out the electrical grid and turn America into some type Mad Max type of stone age anarchy.
I don't understand why Trump is provoking this unstable dictator and calling him names like some school yard bully. The world is going to get nuked because this guy thinks acting tough will play well to his supporter base. We need calm rational deescalation not insults and threats. Now we left our future up to a game show host and a fat kid who inherited the job. I can't believe WW3 is going to start on Twitter, these are crazy times.
Source www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/kimtoon011.jpg?w=620
I thought the fear of nuclear devastation was over, something from the 1980's cold war. From my childhood. That was a scary time, why are we putting the fear of Armageddon into the next generation too? I just hope we make it thru it, it will make a great movie someday.
The various missiles they have or it is believed they have

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