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Our Target members

AS per our previous post, we have shed light on how we will get to users. With supporting international news announcement and these top names joining the community, we will capture the imagination of the sports world. But to hold the attention we are going to have to give them value.
who is our target community?
All people that participate in any sport, regardless of level or age. But in reality the bulk of these community members will be in the 12 year old to 25 year old bracket. This is the age group when most people are active in sport. We are specifically targeting all levels. The platform is definitely not focused on the current top athlete or olympian. It is focused on those that ASPIRE to these heights, on those that just want to be the best that they can be.
Our target market is thus senior primary to high school and post school students. This demographic will be the bulk of our community and while they are an always on always connected community, they are also very particular, fickle and have short attention spans.
How are we going to hold their attention?
Money, fun and social sharing. Asking the youth profile we are looking to capture data will never work. Yet we want them to. The answer is a gamified social interface.
Everyone knows how crazy pokemon go etc got. For a few seconds every day, with a fun interface that pits them against their peers and friends, they can not only earn POD tokens, but also brag and banter with their friends. All they have to do is either enter their sports training or competition information every day, and confirm their peers and friends information. And off you go. Emphasis is on fun and competition.
This will make our members engage daily, and overcome the BIGGEST obstacle in collecting information in the sports world, capturing the data. Through our smart technology we rate information and use various means to verify it. AS a member will get negative reputation for lying about results, we strongly motivate the right behaviour.
Members long term value
By daily adding information of performance and training, a member builds a storybook of their sporting life. This is important for many reasons, but two stand out.
Promote your CV
This storybook acts like a cv that you can use to promote your skills and achievements. Scouts, clubs etc will also become members and they can now in a more structured manner look for talent directly, cutting out many middle men. The user that is most diligent and ensures proper verification from friends and peers will be the ones that float to the top. No longer are you dependant on your parents money, the school you go to or the network your surname or friends and family has to get a chance. All you have to do is train, compete and SPORTSPODIUM!
Looking back
Not everyone wants or can become professional or top athletes. But it is nice to be able to look back on your sporting achievements later in your life. I used to be a provincial level athlete and swimmer. Not only did I represent my region and province but I won races and performed pretty well as a junior. None of these results can I find anywhere. I have a few pictures and the odd newspaper clipping. It would have been very nice to at least show my kids I was a low 60's 100m free swimmer or a 33 min 10k runner as a teenager in the 80's.
So from the member standpoint, you can brag, have fun, earn some crypto AND promote yourself and build your sporting storybook one day at a time. This will cost you nothing, just a little of your time .... our targeted test groups love this, and we can not wait to launch. First we need to raise funds, as you know that software is expensive.

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