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Money Making Machine (MMM)

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This was the first quote I saw this morning and I had to meditate on it a little.
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure joy follows like a shadow that never leaves
Everyone has a dream and for some people capital is the major set back which rubs off their joy. What every idea needs to become the next big business is capital.
But is capital really the limiting factor? I don't think so! Your mind can also be a limiting factor.
the extent of your resources is the boundary of your imagination
The quality of your imagination greatly depends on the quality of your mind. A good painter will only give a painting that he has in his mind. If he didn't get a good picture inside, he won't be able to draw a good picture outside.
Same thing with music, the way you play greatly depends on how much good melody you have on the inside, the richer your melody inside, the richer your melody outside.
it Starts from your inside
The richer your mind, the richer your idea. Your ideas is as good as your mind is. You can hardly create something better than what you have in your mind.
So what's the point point I'm trying to make? I'm just trying to point out that the fact that **our greatest capital is not the amount we have or the amount we are expecting , but the quality of contents in our mind.
No matter how much money is pumped into a bad or poor idea, it still won't be a success. Poor ideas comes from poor mind.
Your greatest concern right now shouldn't be in investing in one or two businesses, even though that is important. your greatest concern should be in investing into yourself (mind).
Whatever you invest into your business might get stolen or destroyed anytime, buy whatever you invest into yourself stays forever.
Your mind is your money making machine(MMM) and your greatest asset,invest into yourself and guard your heart with all diligence.
thanks for reading

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