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Is Silver finally about to Break Out?

ScotiaMocatta, is selling it's Gold and Silver book of derivatives. ScotiaMocatta is one of London’s main gold trading banks with a history dating back to the 17th century. Scotiabank acquired ScotiaMocatta from Standard Chartered in 1997.
Why would Scotiabank decide to sell there Gold and Silver book of business now? Bank of Nova Scotia said it has put its gold business up for sale in the aftermath of a massive money laundering scandal centered on a U.S. refinery that involved smuggled gold from South America, the Financial Times reported. Is this most likely a cover story?
Bank scandals are as common as bacon is with eggs. The majority of banks are corrupt. Since when would a scandal make a bank sell a business division that it has had for close to 200 years? This must be the cover story being used, but the real reason must me more serious.
Do the large banks, involved in precious metals manipulation, know that their days of rigging are coming to a close? Why else are the rats abandoning the ship? Look how many banks are leaving the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). The fact is, that once the physical metals cannot longer be rigged, the banks still caught in the middle of the price fixing will be clobbered.
The blockchain and crypto tokens with smart contracts will completely change the global commodities market (including precious metals). The old school of conducting business and global exchanges is coming to an end. The new Fin Tech industry is turning the old economic system on it's head. The blockchain and decentralization eliminates the ability to manipulate and steal global wealth. The three piece suit and tie guys and gals will no longer be able to siphon off the worlds wealth through their corrupt banking and commodity exchanges.
The blockchain can and will liberate the precious metals market and allow them to reach their true intrinsic value. Make sure you have your stack of favorite precious metals before this 200 plus year manipulation ends. Why? Well, just like crypto currencies are having tremendous gains and growth, so will the metals once the global crime syndicate looses their control.

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