Is Blockchain Worth the Trouble? Blythe Masters (and More) Say Yes at Sibos

Building with blockchain is tough – for every problem the tech promises to solve, it seems another pops up.
But if you take the advice of former JPMorgan Chase executive and Digital Asset CEO Blythe Masters, it's worth all the fuss. Speaking on a panel yesterday at Swift's annual Sibos conference in Toronto, Masters emerged from a relatively silent period with a defense of the technology.
Fresh off raising $40 million in funding, Masters told the audience:
"I don't think blockchain solutions inherently introduce risk, and in some cases they may inherently mitigate them."
But integrating blockchain for its myriad of benefits – including faster settlement times and greater data transparency – is an expensive endeavor. DAH, in particular, has raised $107 million in funding so far to expand the startup's blockchain solution, which it is working to integrate into the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), the country's largest stock exchange.
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