If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them
Away from that. I am sure we are familiar with the proverb above. The proverb has been interpreted in so many ways and i think it is used, in most cases, to encourage bad things. I might be wrong but am yet to see instances where it is used for something good.

Let's look at some of these interpretations:
If your adversaries are stronger than you, it it better you join them
If you will gain nothing in fighting a group of people more influential than you are, then give up and join them.
If you cannot outsmart your rivals in some areas, it is better you join them.
The above confirms my introductory message right? Now let's take a closer look into instances where this proverb is used.
We know that life can be funny sometimes. The more we throw everything we have at it to make it work the more it throws them back at us. Not everybody is born with silver spoon and we know that the rich also cry! Some people are crying for admission in the university, some are crying for school fees, some are crying for shelter, some are crying about house rent. Some trek many miles just to get bread while others use car to buy water in the next street. Many people are in the street looking for job while some people are already tired of their jobs. Some people's monthly salary is another person's weekly pocket money. Some people are complaining about being too short and beside them, another person is complaining about being too tall.
These are the things happening everywhere and true for every society. So when life pushes us harder, our ethos and principles are always questioned. It becomes the question of, should i give in for this or stand by my principle?
But here in Nigeria, many people are of the opinion that poverty makes people more creative! Whatever they mean by 'creative' is subject to scrutiny but if you see what people who are from humble homes do to survive (ethically), you will praise their determinations.
Like i said before in one of my posts, money seems to be the factor responsible for the inequality. This is not a natural inequality but man created inequality. So those with little or nothing to offer become objects to be used by nature. So when they see their mates making it or doing 'good' things in life, they begin to wonder what they did wrong or what they are not doing right. They start asking God endless questions on why their own is different. When they cannot find answers to these questions on time, they look for alternatives.
They are introduced to the big things 'whatsup guys' are doing. So since there patience cannot give them what they want on time, their impatience would and it did.
When people are about to engage in 'evil' acts, they simply persuade themselves into believing it is the best thing for them to do. They rationalize their actions and believe they have to join the moving train and move with the trend or they would be left behind. So people easily join the bandwagon not because the thing is ethical but simply because it is what is trending!
They say: You better move with us or be left behind! This is what is in vogue! This is what is trending currently! So the question is not whether that which is trending, in vogue and 'fashionable' is ethical but because many people have adopted it so it is cool!
Well, i can only tell you to weigh your actions before doing them. Don't follow the bandwagon in the name of 'i need to join them since i cannot beat them'. In reality, NOTHING SAYS THE OPINION OF MAJORITY IS RIGHT AND YOURS IS WRONG! If the views of the majority contradict yours and you 'believe' yours is ethical, try hold on to it. Do not live a regrettable life by trying to 'join them because you can't beat them'!
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