Google DayDream | A Review of the Most Affordable Virtual Reality Experience on the Market
Yesterday I had the luxury of beta testing a new mobile game for the Google DayDream, and to be honest... it greatly exceeded my expectations!

I can't reveal the specifications of the game, but I will tell you it was a game based off of a recent film, and the environments were astounding. Although the DayDream gets hate for it's discomfort factor and overall aesthetic appearance, I for one loved the grey color and the overall sheen of the head-band. Comfort ability is the most lacking part of a VR experience, the Vive and Morpehus aren't loveseats for the face, they are cumbersome as well. The DayDream is actually the sleekest and lightest VR set I have gotten to use in the interim of all VR releases, and this was huge in terms of first impressions.

The sound is a factor I can obviously ignore as I used a Sony headset in conjunction with Google's device, but I will say I had many ideas about future VR tech...and how we will most likely we will have a hollowed out headset (in the future) in which sound, video ,and some type of broken fourth wall will take it's (awesome) toll on our games from now on. I feel as though the DayDream will set the bar in getting devices as sleek and lightweight as possible, and many other companies will their tailor their products to create comfort, and a more cinematic experience.

The gameplay was tremendous, but as a lifelong gamer, VR is the pinnacle of what my lifetime has seen....and VR will be put to much use very soon. Imagine clubs in your living room with a simple scan of a QR code, or visiting the Alps in your visor by the same measure. The future is a crazy and wild place, the inevitable is exciting, let's just hope we're around long enough to see real advancements in Space technology and science using this stuff. Google gets an 8 out of 10 from with their DayDream, it is a truly under rated and affordable piece of hardware.
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